fechar fechar

Caring for the internal community

Cuidar da comunidade

For our People

We know that our strength is with the People who contribute every day to the success of our operations. Therefore, every year we develop a set of actions aimed at improving their quality of life and seeking to raise their personal and professional well-being.

We are a strong community

Comunidade forte

The focus is on our People and the search for progression, appreciation, and professional integration opportunities.

We want to create conditions for improving our employees' quality of life and personal and professional satisfaction. We believe that promoting their satisfaction, sense of unity, and well-being is the key factor in our success.

With this premise, actions are thought out and developed that aim to meet the needs of our internal community

Here are some examples of projects that we have developed with our teams in mind.

Benefits for social areas

In the fight against food waste, the social areas in the stores and warehouses made surplus food products available to their employees every day. These products can be consumed during working hours, allowing savings in food costs, and avoiding the waste of food in good consumption conditions.

2,2 M€ in surplus food products
made available to

Donated items are considered surplus when they lose their commercial character but preserve all the necessary conditions for safe consumption, avoiding food waste in a circular economy logic. These include fresh products such as fruit, groceries, and bakery items, among other food items.

"We are Sonae" Programme

The "We are Sonae" Programme focuses on supporting the recovery from economic and/or social difficulty in areas such as the management of the family economy,financial and legal support, health, and education.

In 2021, the We are Sonae internal support line peaked in periods of higher vulnerability associated with Covid-19.

205 supported employees
496 total people supported
(employees and family members)

App Better Together

Development of an integrated digital platform that allows all employees of Missão Continente to access tools and essential content for their daily lives, such as training, internal communication, holiday scheduling, pay slips and many other features.

#PrecisamosFalar (#WeNeedToTalk) Programme

The #PrecisamosFalar programme aims to raise awareness throughout the organisation on the topic of well-being in its various aspects (financial, social, physical and psychological) and provide employees with tools that enable them to take care of themselves and others.

The action included a range of initiatives, from the production of four podcasts, the development of the Holi wellbeing app, several training sessions and webinars, and a unique feature in the “Better You” newsletter.

Fighting overweight

This programme acts on awareness and intervention with a personalised follow-up plan for overweight employees for six months.

73% lost weight betweem the
initial and the intermediate visit
70% reduced fat mass after
90 days
80% reduced abdominal perimeter

Diversity and inclusion

We strive to create a work environment based on the richness of profiles, focusing on uniqueness and as a catalyst for personal and professional development. We believe that only in this way can we respond to current and future challenges.

  • Sharing information and experiences

  • Promotion of collaboration between people and teams

  • Bringing leadership closer and humanising it

  • Recognising and valuing our people

Improving Our Life Movement

Thousands of employees have already benefited from this movement

Celebrating the 1st of May

Held in all our stores and warehouses, with this initiative, we created team spirit and a sense of belonging - fostering #bettertogether.

It was also created the Sonae MC anthem, with lyrics by Vasco Palmeirim, which was performed by all stores and warehouses, including a flashmob.

Christmas Campaign 2021 #umnatalcomtodos (#achristmasforall)

We delivered Christmas baskets, including codfish and a Christmas cake, to more than 38 thousand employees.

Future Leaders @ Retail

Future Leaders@Retail is the preparation programme for future leaders in the retail of Missão Continente. The 6th edition had as its motto "The challenge of leadership in a culture of diversity" and contributed to the development and valorisation of 29 participants.

  • 16 women | 13 men

  • Average age: 29 years

  • Average seniority: 4 years